Preparing for a photoshoot can be overwhelming but when food is involved it's an even bigger undertaking. I do all I can to make sure the chefs, staff and restaurant management knows what to expect on shoot day. Let's run through some standard to do's!
Restaurant Chef Checklist:
Planning ahead with your photographer is always best. A photographer like myself, who understands food and the restaurant environment as a whole will maintain a seamless experience. This quick checklist is only a the tip of the iceberg a lot of instructions will depend on the dishes you want to prepare on shoot day.
Please keep all food/ingredients separated everything from sauces to garnishing until we are ready to roll. Keeping everything as fresh as possible is very important for the camera.
Keep everything as cold and fresh as possible. We don't want anything browning, melting or wilting.
Do not pre-slice anything, unless we give you the go, again keep it fresh.
If you are making a stir fry or any vegetable side, blanch the veggies first and undercook them to maintain their color and vibrance.
You are the Chef and you know best how your dishes are finished. But there are tricks and techniques that we need to use as food photographers and food stylists that will enhance your dish on camera.
We won't use any ingredient in the photo that is not part of the dish! We want to keep things as authentic as possible to best represent you, your restaurant and your art.
Management & Staff Checklist For Restaurant Photoshoot:
Drinks don't have to be what they are. So save some overhead, no need to add in vodka that cocktail. We have lots of magical solutions, just keep the garnishes fresh!
We need a point of contact on hand throughout the shoot. This helps with communication with the kitchen, waitstaff and your guests and keeps everything running on track.
"Smile even though you're concentrating", I say this a lot! We want the atmosphere we capture to warm and inviting, so it is also good to remind your staff in advance of each shoot.
Make sure the staff that you need for the shoot is on time for their shift and ready to roll.
Select a day and time when the restaurant is not slammed but where you can predict a few guests. We can help you seat them so the space looks fuller, but this allows us to also move around better and have more control over our shots.
Something that can be fun, if you have "regulars", schedule the shoot around when they are on site. Capturing guests that are extra comfortable in your space can lead to better photos and express the joyful experience you want all your guests to feel.
The bottom line is timing is everything during a photoshoot. The better prepared you and your staff are the more seamless the experience will be.
We offer restaurant shoots on a quarterly basis, check out our pricing and book a call to get your amazing space and dishes captured!